Serving the greater Orange County, CA area for over 30 years

Women’s Health

Integrative Medical Center

Family Medicine, Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine Doctors located in Irvine, CA and serving the greater Orange County, CA area

The female body has a unique physiology, and it requires specialized care. If you’re looking for a holistic, comprehensive approach to healthcare, visit Integrative Medical Center in Irvine, California. Led by Dr. Jing Fang Li and Dr. Po Chen, the practice offers a wide range of women’s health services to support your reproductive system, hormones, mood, and overall well-being. To book an individualized consultation, click to schedule or call the office today.

Women’s Health Q & A

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What are women’s health services?

Women’s bodies optimally function when there is hormone balance, optimal organ health, and proper nutrient absorption. At Integrative Medical Center, Dr. Li and Dr. Chen emphasize a holistic approach to treating women’s health issues, which include:

  • Reproductive concerns
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Mood issues
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Menopause symptoms

Women’s health services address the delicate physiology of the female body through a range of treatment methods. With the right care, you can overcome health challenges, increase your fertility, and regulate your hormones naturally.

What’s included in a treatment plan?

Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of different women’s health services. Your treatment plan depends on your symptoms, your health history, and your goals. Most women can benefit from a program that includes:

  • Dietary interventions and nutritional counseling
  • Supplements or herbal medicine
  • Acupuncture or acupressure
  • Targeted massage therapy
  • Anti-aging or regenerative medical therapies
  • Detoxification protocols

The practice provides comprehensive Western medical care along with natural, holistic Eastern medical techniques. This combination of skills allows your physician to utilize a broad variety of approaches for specific conditions.

Dr. Li or Dr. Chen will emphasize using the least invasive, yet most effective approaches for healing. The goal is not just to eliminate your symptoms, but to target the cause of disease and create long-term health and wellness.

Additionally, your treatment focuses on preventing further problems and maintaining your health in the face of environmental or lifestyle challenges.

What’s the goal of the treatment?

Depending on your age, existing health problems, and what methods your physician recommends, your treatment plan may span several weeks or months. It’s often possible to heal acute problems more quickly, while chronic, long-standing conditions can take more time to address.

Since the practice utilizes safe, natural, and holistic approaches, you can be sure that you won’t experience any adverse side effects. As you heal, you’ll regain energy, vitality, and balance. Most women not only feel better physically, but they have a more stable mood and sense of emotional well-being.

To learn more about women’s health services at Integrative Medical Center, book a consultation online or call the office today.

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