Serving the greater Orange County, CA area for over 30 years

Functional Medicine

  • enhance optimal body function
  • maximize on effective natural approach
  • building foundation for a lasting healthy lifestyle
  • emphasize on prevention
  • Empowering the patient to their health advocate

Functional Medicine is a field that focuses on restoring the function on injured or aged tissue. It revitalizes old cells and transports new cells by enhancing nutrition and circulation to the body and modifying the immune system so that cell function and survival is improved.

Before we have broken down our body functions change, are less optimal and those subtle signs are the key to correction and so that we can restore the function so that we do not become ill.  Dr. Li’s analogy is that our body is like an automobile that we can continue to drive for 100k miles without a tune-up. But, it carries a risk of breaking down at any time, even on the freeway. That is why we tune up the car regularly to maintain optimal performance and to avoid suffering a sudden breakdown. The area that we practice functional medicine is to use natural non-invasive and non-side effect way to constantly eliminate symptoms and signs of functional decline. Such as fatigue, chronic pain, wear and tear, insomnia,  weight gain, loss of libido, loss of vitality.

Hormone replacement therapy, conventional and unconventional, traditional and bio-identical, as well as risks assessment, has been a big part of daily practice for the last 25 years.

At the Integrative medical center, we are true champions for anti-aging and preventive medicine.  We treat each symptom as well as the root causes and we educate patients to the smallest detail about their daily life to avoid chronic injuries and premature degenerative changes. We also educate patients to the best lifestyle of anti-inflammation,   anti-aging and promote an active lifestyle.

What we offer

Services & Conditions


Integrative Medical Center
9940 Research Drive, Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: 949-694-7156

Office Hours

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